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Caregiver Awards

Frontline caregivers play a critical and indispensable role in creating a quality long-term care community in Wisconsin. The WI Long-Term Care Workforce Alliance's annual Caregiver Awards is a statewide recognition program of these outstanding individuals and teams working tirelessly in all service locations. 

Caregivers are nominated for the following categories: 

  • Spotlight Individual Caregiver Awards

  • Caring Together Team Award 

  • Heart of Family/Friend Caregiving Award

Each award winner receives a certificate, a monetary prize, and an invitation to be a guest at the WLTCWA Caregiver Awards Ceremony and Luncheon. 

Sponsor the Caregiver Awards!

Join us to recognize and celebrate caregivers in Wisconsin by being a sponsor for our annual awards! Your sponsorship is appreciated and keeps this program successful.


All winners receive a keepsake certificate, the four Spotlight Award winners and one family/friend caregiver each receive a $250 award, and the team collectively receives a $500 award. 


The levels of sponsorship are: ​

Bucky Badger: Working hard for Caregivers ($1000+)

Sugar Maple Tree: Standing tall with Caregivers ($500)

Robin: Singing praises of Caregivers ($250)

Wood Violet: Individuals blossoming for Caregivers ($100)

Download the Sponsorship form here

2022 Winners 

Congrats to the 2022 Alliance Caregiver Winners!! 

Caregiver Spotlight Awards: 

Pam Jolivette

Nancy McDonald

Regina McGee

Sarah Meyer

Brenda Greehling

Cory Weiler


Friend/Family Caregiver Award:  

Aleta Morrell

Caring Together Award: 

Mike Olesewski and Shannon Brown

A Message from Governor Tony Evers to the Award Winners

A Message from Secretary Designee Karen Timberlake to the Award Winners

2021 Winners 

Congrats to the 2021 Alliance Caregiver Winners!! 

Caregiver Spotlight Awards: 

Ashley Dillard

Illisha Grant

Minnie Clay

Sharon Shilling

Friend/Family Caregiver Award:  

Teresa Cefalu ​

Caring Together Award: 

CCC Homes - Menomonee ​

Download the Award Ceremony Powerpoint Presentation 














A Message from Secretary Timberlake to the Award Winners

2020 Winners 

Congrats to the 2020 Alliance Caregiver Winners!! The Wisconsin Long-Term Care Workforce Alliance honors the 2020 Caregiver Award winners, presented at the Wisconsin Personal Services Association (WPSA) conference on November 12. The 2020 winners include:

Caregiver Spotlight Awards: 

Shannon Brown

Tom Cooney

Reyne Kenyon

Rick Wiskerchen

Friend/Family Caregiver Award:  

Anna Phelps

Caring Together Award: 

Hospice Alliance Clinical Team

2019 Winners 

Congrats to the 2019 Alliance Caregiver Winners!!

Caregiver Spotlight Awards: 

Nathaniel Daulga 

Mary Ann Carrier

Sara Zimmerman

Mary Ronnfeldt

Team Spotlight Award: 

Latasha Fenderson

Jessica France

Rose Jimenez

Belinda Robinson

Susan Tran

Tiaka Turner

Bonnie Wadlington

Heart of a Family Caregiver: 

Juanita Stolfo

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© 2023 by The Wisconsin Long-Term Care Workforce Alliance 

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